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Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)

Grant Soil & Water Conservation District (Grant SWCD) was awarded an Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) grant for a Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) Technician.  Grant SWCD, hired Tereasa Perkins to the position which started January 2018.  The purpose of this program is to enhance riparian habitat and protect surface water quality on agricultural lands.  Participants receive contracts that last 10 to 15 years that consist of rental payments and cost share money to dedicate portions of cropland and/or marginal pastureland to conservation practices.  This program is funded through the Farm Service Agency (FSA) with Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) working on the technical end.  The CREP Technician position works with FSA, NRCS, Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF), Grant SWCD, and Baker SWCD to build Conservation Plans to enhance the riparian areas in both Baker and Grant Counties.  


CREP Fact Sheet 2-11-24 - Accessible.pdf


For more information please contact Tereasa Perkins at (541)575-0135 ext. 106