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Grant Weed Control conducts treatment of noxious weeds on land managed by the BLM.  In the recent past we have focused on Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula L.) Along the North Fork of the John Day river and the Main stem of the John Day River.  On the North Fork the two main areas of focus are Big Bend Park and Lone Pine Park.  Leafy Spurge is a top priority not only in Grant County but also Wheeler County and Gilliam County.  We partner with Gilliam County and conduct treatment along the North Fork John Day and the Main Stem John Day Rivers, from the city of Monument in Grant County to Cottonwood Canyon State Park in Giliam County West of Condon.  We also partner with Monument SWCD on and ODA grant and the North Fork John Day Watershed Council on an OWEB to treat Leafy Spurge.  In Fox valley Title II money has been used to fight the battle on Leafy spurge as well. As you can see this is a large project with many partners involved to try to banish this menace.

We also partner with Crook County and treat BLM land in Wheeler County out side of Mitchell on Bridge Creek.  We have treated weeds down there such as Russian Knapweed (Acroptilon repens L.), Hoary Cress Whitetop (Cardaria draba Desv.), Yellow Starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis L.), Russian Olive (Elaegnus angustifolia), and one Rush Skeleton Weed (Chondrilla Juncea) plant was found and treated in 2015.

This picture is from the BLM John Day River Leafy spurge project.  This photo shows a Rush Skeletonweed infestation that was found on the lower John Day River in Gilliam County.